With a strong vision, we are working together
Refreshed & Refocussed
The Naramata Bench Wineries Association has always been a leader in Canadian wine. In 2020, having completed our previous marketing plans and ready to adapt to the changing global wine market, we kick-started a refresh process. First, we commissioned a study to examine the global benchmarks for successful small wine regions and came up with a focussed strategy to build on our strengths. In 2022 we rolled out a powerful new marketing plan, followed by a thoughtful and focussed brand plan. Next, we updated our website and created educational and promotional materials to support media, trade, and our consumer-focussed partners to tell the story of Naramata Bench Wines. Importantly, we also opened our membership to craft cider houses, breweries and distilleries, and changed our fee structure to encourage small producers to join us.
We are so excited to be a part of the Naramata Bench Wineries Association at this time of rejuvenation and growth.
There are big things in store for the bench, and the new focus on trade, media and partnership makes our membership invaluable.
Membership Benefits
Consumer marketing: features on social media, pictures in partner publications, top SEO web listings, listing on new digital maps
Media exposure: participation in curated media trips, potential to be featured in articles and industry conferences, inclusion in regional educational materials, opportunity to submit wines for the competitive “Best of the Bench” media case
Sales benefits: exposure to buyers on familiarization tours, and listings on top trade website
Producer marketing: professional photographers and videos for use, educational materials for trade and consumer sales, access to digital mapping for marketing
Streamlined opportunities: centralized marketing, business growth and other producer opportunities through our association newsletter
Community support: member social and exclusive learning opportunities for vineyard, cellar, hospitality/marketing and management staff
Join us!
Harness the power of our craft producer community
Together, we are determined to tell a focussed story of craft, charm and community, and position the Naramata Bench as Canada’s premium wine region.
But this isn’t just about community spirit. Our strategies are also about providing opportunities for our members, so they can make buyer connections, have media coverage, build consumer loyalty and raise prices in accordance with quality.
If you are new to the bench or have been around for a while, are a winery or one of the innovative cider houses, breweries or distilleries we are so eager to collaborate with – give us a shout. If you make craft beverages on the Naramata Bench – we want you on our team.